
MyoBalls Foam Roller Balls

Foam rollers are gaining popularity in the market today because of the range of benefits they offer. If you are tired of lingering pains and slow-post workout recoveries, it it time you invest in a handy foam roller. From soft to ultra firm, there are plenty of options to choose from. Not to mention, you can conveniently pack the device in your workout bag.

Foam rollers are designed to soothe and massage sore, tight muscles. Some products in the market are designed to cater to specific needs and target a specific group of muscles. Myofascial release (MR) or deep tissue massage has been recognized as a legitimate way to provide relief from sore muscles, especially for athletes and that is exactly what a foam roller will help you with.

Features & Benefits

MyoBalls are unlike any other foam rollers in town. The product features foam roller balls that are designed to target trigger points and offer full body myofascial release. The specially designed allows self-massage on pecs, elbows, shoulders and feet along with other hard to reach spots. The MyoBalls Foam Roller Balls also targets areas, such as glutes, quads and calves.

MyoBalls is among the only 360° massage tools in town that provide an excellent solution to problems, such as shoulder impingement and tendinitis. The dense foam offers the deepest massage and is compact enough for travel use. Some notable benefits of the MyoBalls Foam Roller Balls include:

Full Body Myofascial Release

MyoBalls features 360° foam roller balls that offer myofascial release to trigger points throughout the body. The product enables self-massage to areas, such as pecs, shoulders, feet, elbows and other hard to reach muscles. Full body myofascial release improves lymphatic and blood circulation and relaxes contracted muscles while stimulating stretch reflex.

Professional Help

This product is great for newbies since it offers professional guidance. The package includes a detailed instruction manual that also teaches you how to use the MyoBalls for trouble spots and various trigger points.

Compact Size

Whether you are headed to the gym or need to get to work, the MyoBalls will conveniently fit inside your carry bag and will not take up too much room.

Targeted Relief

The product is beneficial for individuals who wish to gain pain relief from common conditions, including shoulder impingement, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, pain, tightness and muscle aches. However, do speak to a professional if you suffer from severe pain.

Safety Information

The MyoBalls Foam Roller Balls is not a toy and should be kept out of reach of children younger than the age of 12. Individuals are advised not to use the product around their head or neck. The product is not a means to self-treat or heal a disease. Customers must consult a healthcare professional before beginning a myofascial release program.

Product Selection

Customers can choose from two different products, according to their needs. The MyoBalls Pro features denser foam for an intense massage while the Original MyoBalls features foam, which is less dense, resulting in reduced intense pressure.

Newbies are likely to prefer the Original product whereas athletes will benefit from the Pro version. Additionally, the 7-ball version is better suited for use on larger extremities with larger body types whereas the 5-ball version is suitable for use throughout the body.

What Others Say

The MyoBalls Foam Roller Balls received an average rating of 4.4 stars out of 5 on Amazon at the time of this review. Most customers were pleased with their purchase and left positive reviews. A customer expressed how they liked how the product combined small tennis ball-like structures onto a circular resistance band. It is definitely among the most unique products in the market.

Best of all, you can pull it over on your shoulder, legs or arms and enjoy an effortless massage. The product will especially benefit individuals who go on frequent walks and suffer from tight muscles.

The balls are made from hard rubber and offer relief to tight tissues. The effect of the product can not be compared to that of a professional massage but it is still worth every penny. The product is worth buying if you suffer from a certain ailment or muscle soreness.

However, on the downside, a customer exclaimed the product would be easier to use if you could adjust its size. This of course is not a major problem and depends on personal preference. A customer also added that the product would be easier to use if it were detachable.

The balls are quite dense and might not be suitable for users who are in need of a gentle massage. If you suffer from extreme muscle soreness, talk to a healthcare professional before using the product. Most customers found the instruction guide quite useful. You can also find videos on how to use the product on YouTube, simply search for “Myoballs quickstart guide" and you will be good to go.

Buying Advice

You can purchase the MyoBalls Foam Roller Balls (5-ball original) on Amazon for under $40 with free shipping on Amazon Prime. The 7-ball version is available at the same price but you will have to pay extra if you want to purchase the product in black. To save money, look out for discounts and promotional offers.


For its price, the MyoBalls Foam Roller Balls is a great product. However, the foam roller might not be beneficial for individual who do not work out or suffer from muscle aches. Only purchase the product if you intend on using it or else it will just be a waste of money.

If you suffer from mild muscle aches or are on a tight budget, you can invest on a simpler foam roller without the balls. It will offer you the similar pain relief might not be as easy to use as this model.