
How To Select The Best Bunion Pads

A bunion is a unnatural lump that forms at the base joint of the big toe. Bunions can be caused by injuries, wearing uncomfortable shoes or an inherited condition. This causes the big toe to lean towards the other toes and can often be painful.

People with bunions may experience difficult while walking, running or exercising. While bunions typically call for surgical help, making certain lifestyle changes and purchasing bunion correctors and also relieve pain and improve your conditions. There are several kinds of bunion pads and sleeves available to ease your troubles.

What Is A Bunion Pad?

Bunion pads are designed to improve toe alignment and protect the big toe joint from pain and pressure. These pads are usually constructed using gel, felt or mole and can be worn underneath your favorite shoes. Bunion pads can also be worn before going to bed. Individuals should ensure the pads are narrow enough to fit underneath shoes. Opt for shoes that are wide enough. If the shoes feel too tight, wearing bunion pads will only make the pain worse.

Factors To Consider Before Purchasing Bunion Pads

With several kinds of bunion pads in the market, choosing the best one can be a daunting task. Here are a couple of things you should consider before investing in a bunion pad:

  • Fit: Consider the bulkiness of the pad and how well it fits inside your favorite pair of shoes. Remember, these pads will be visible with open-toe sandals and shoes so you ought to opt for a color that is subtle and matches your natural skin color.
  • Thickness: Wearing a thick and bulky bunion pad will not only make your pain worse but will be uncomfortable to wear. Ensure the pad is of just the right thickness and features a protective layer that will prevent damage against scraping and friction. At the same time, lightweight fabric will not improve foot alignment and will not produce fruitful results. Ensure the bunion pad is comfortable enough to wear.
  • Activity: Do you go on frequent hiking adventure or are expected to make several rounds on your job? Invest in a bunion pad while keeping in mind the level of activity you will be engaging in. Users will find specially designed bunion pads for runners and athletes that are made using premium quality materials. People who are constantly on their feet will benefit from full-foot bunion correctors rather than simple pads that won’t be able to offer premium support.
  • Severity of Condition: Consider the severity of your condition before investing in a bunion pad. For example, severely misaligned toes will benefit from pads and sleeves that also feature a splint to help realign your toes. However, if your condition is mild, you are likely to benefit from normal bunion pads. For extra support, be on the lookout for advanced products designed for severely misaligned toes.
  • Consult a Professional: Do not take matters in your own hands before consulting a certified healthcare professional. While bunion pads and sleeves are a known way of postponing the need for surgery, they might not be the best solution for everybody. Seek professional medical advice to reduce the risk of injuries.

Tips To Speed Up Recovery With Bunion Pads

Wearing bunion pads in the early stages can alleviate pain and help direct your big toe back to its proper place. However, the process is not as easy as it sounds which is why you should take several preventive measures to speed up recovery. Here are a couple of tips that can prove useful:

Use Insoles

Insoles are removable attachments that can be inserted inside shoes to increase comfort and support. Insoles are available in a range of different shapes and sizes, hence you can conveniently pick a design that is right for you. Insoles act as a shock absorber and helps with problems such as over pronation and common foot problems.

Relieve The Pain

While most experts recommend you exercise your feet and toes, the pain can get too intense. Fortunately, there are a number of ways in which you can address bunion pain. For example, soaking your feet in warm water for 20 minutes can soothe joints and provide temporary relief from pain.

Patients can also use an ice-pack to reduce swelling. However, do not apply the ice pack directly on your skin and wrap it up with a thin piece of cloth or soft towel. Taking pain meds can also provide temporary relief but it is best you consult a professional before taking medicine.

Go Bare-Feet

Wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes can be a major cause for bunion pain and can make matters worse. Consider going barefoot for long periods of time. Walking barefoot naturally realigns your toe bones and helps strengthen the muscles in your feet. However, it is best you skip this step if your bunions are advanced and too painful. A good alternative to walking barefoot is to wear padded socks that offer extra support.

Replace Your Shoes

Inspect whether your current pair of shoes are making your bunions worse. Some patients fail to realize their shoes just aren’t comfortable enough. Even athletic shoes can at times make your bunions worse. Invest in a quality pair of shoes with comfortable padding and good arch support. Additionally, ensure the shoes fit perfectly.

Ladies must avoid wearing pointy toes and high heels at all cost, as these shoes are terrible for bunions. Wearing uncomfortable shoes can prevent the bunion from healing properly, resulting in intense pain. Talk to a professional if you are unsure about what kind of shoes to wear.


These are just a few factors you should keep in mind before investing in bunion pads. Remember, these pads are simply a way to alleviate pain and are not a substitute for surgery. If you suffer from intense pain, consider opting for surgery to gain permanent pain relief. Good luck!